Saturday, August 22, 2009

Selling Afghan Women Out

Hamid Karzai, America's favorite candidate in the recent Afghan presidential election, issued a law (not through Parliament) which has restored Taliban like restrictions on women. These new/old regulations apply only to Shi'ite women, but who can say they will not become more widespread? The law permits child marriage, allows a husband to withdraw all support for his wife if she does give sex on demand and permits a woman to leave her home only for "legal reasons" in "accordance with local customs." So, if local customs do not allow women to go to school or work outside the home, what then? No doubt, Karzai issued this law to win the votes for the hard-line members of the Shi'ite minority. But, how can we continue to support him?

Can we continue to support the Karzai government? Is this why we are fighting in Afghanistan - to see women oppressed? Doesn't there come some point when we have to do what is right and not what is politically expedient?

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