Monday, July 13, 2009

North Korea Update.

Reports out of South Korea say that Kim Jong Il has pancreatic cancer. He has been seen in public only twice in the last year (reclusive even for him) and he looked terrible. This is scary because we have no idea what the power situation is. Perhaps his youngest son has real support and will assume power smoothly. Or perhaps, there will be a power struggle. Kim Jong Il is crazy, but the unknown is even scarier. As improbable as it may seem, there could be someone more unstable than the "Dear Leader." However, I doubt if there is anyone with a stranger hairdo. But, at the bottom of all this are the nukes. Who is in control affects all those poor oppressed North Koreans, but who controls the nukes can effect all of us.


  1. As stated in a previous thread, I do not think Kim Jung Il's death will follow with peaceful succession. I see an implosion on the horizon. As far as the nukes are concerned, no matter how crazy Kim is, I think he knows that if he lobs a nuke ANYWHERE his entire country would be dust before it even hit. I'm not sure he's even that crazy.

  2. I agree that there will probably not be a peaceful sucession. But, do we want there to be one? North Korea seems to be very good at putting off problems until they get so big they explode (excuse the pun). North Korea does not have a sustainable government or economy. Do we want more tinder to be pilled up befor the fire starts?

    Though this does remind me in a way of Castro. Just think, two Communist dictators everyone has been waiting and hoping would be overthrown, now sucumbing to old age. And no-one knows what will happen to their countries when they leave.

    Just don't implode till after I'm out of missle range please!

  3. Interesting observation about Cuba and North Korea. But, Castro turned over power and I think his brother has enough influence to keep Cuba from imploding, but not to keep it communist. Also, Cuba does nto have nukes. North Korea is such a wild card. We have no idea who is no charge, if people will accept his son and who has a finger on the button of the nukes. that is a lot of "we don't knows".
