Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lack of women in China

A number of Conflicts classes talked about the one child policy in China either as a class topic or as an individual project. Remember "The Dying Rooms", the video about abandoned baby girls basically left to die? Well, the policy's long term effects are really beginning to effect China with millions of men not being able to find wives and all the consequences of this. Check it out on this link:



  1. Hands down that really sucks. But when people are sexist like that, it will come back to bite them in the butt. It sure did.

  2. Wow. The thing that really gets me about the one child policy is that if that one child dies at an old age the parents are screwed when they get too old to work.

  3. What Michael said is really true. In China, the tradition is for the child (son usually) to take care of the parents in old age. Not everyone is quite so crule as to kill their girls - but that means the responsibility of taking care of the parents is put on the one child, be it boy or girl. It puts alot of pressure on that kid to be successful.
